Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Dont feel down, Spring into action!!Your ideas!!

So what to do when you are feeling really down!!?Any ideas?Its flipping bitter outside, the wind is whipping around the extremities, you are longing for spring, hey, dont feel down, Snowdrops are peeping through the soil, Daffs are struggling through too, Spring is on its way, Take a deep breath, put those, sexy base layers on ( and a few more layers too maybe )get the wooly hat that looks like a tea cozy, and go for a lovely walk, if you happen to pass a lovely tree give it a biiiig hug, you ll feel so much better, alternatively, a bracing walk by the sea , watching those sea birds wheel and cry, following Dunlin along the beach , their little legs going 19 to the dozen making you smile, as they seem to be running along playing cant catch me with the waves!!
Watch the meaning of life things on the tv, for instance Brian Cox, Wonders of Life, sciency naturey things, a lot better than dumbing down reality tv, get  those brain cells fired up, look at our beautiful world, be glad to be alive, crikey, think i had better go and lie down in a darkened room now!!
Any thoughts and ideas on a postcard please!!!???