Sunday, 11 May 2014


Yes it is a weird title but it is OUR place way out on the North Norfolk Coast, a very beautiful place where we sit and watch and relax , Oyster catchers call and swoop , the wind gently wafts over us and we breathe a sigh ,no need to speak . Our adventure starts on a muddy path carefully navigating rickety wooden bridges, realising we had forgotten our crab lines, but never mind we will remember next time, we pick our way over the slippery mud, grasping on to reach other (obviously we have checked the tide times and we are safe)at last we reach a lovely expanse of swaying sea pinks and grasses and sea campion we find a big old piece of driftwood and settle down to watch and wait, a group of three lugworm diggers amble past us with their buckets and make their way out onto the mud," afternoon lovely day" we greet each other, the knowledge passed between us that we are so very lucky to live here!and yes we wait and watch, and there are Waders and Ducks and loveliness, hence Waydukistan!!! But our adventure is not over, we walk on maybe we should go back the other way, no we ll carry on the big inlet awaits us, we havent been here since the floods so we dont know how the ground has changed, and there it is a deep inlet of mud and luckily it hasnt changed to much, the bottom is firm and the water not too deep, we pick our way to the bottom and scramble up the other side, a little slippery but ok, then up and over the tiny rivulets hopping and jumping and following our little path,so pretty, its good to be back at Waydukistan our place !!!