Monday 16 May 2011

Part 2, Minsmere.

Part 2 of our little jolly starts on Wednesday at Minsmere ,after a slight detour after missing our turning, we sat in a layby near the woods and had a little bit of our picnic,then off we set for lovely Minsy!Our walk here started off through the woodland area, I can never seem to work out the directions or the hides we end up in and where they are, but having a seasoned Minsy explorer with me comes in handy!but as  we wandered along the paths, it was a sunny day but the wind was sharp, which had been  a usual thing this week, Swallows wheeled and whistled overhead, Damselflies were darting out of the reeds then back in after succumbing to the wind, we heard Warblers everywhere , there were a few people in the hides but not many, we walked up to the sluice and onto the embankment at the sluice there were photographers with huge lensed cameras hoping to get good shots of the Swallows which were darting and dipping accross the water, we came to the first hide near the beach embankment and extreme wader ID continued , here we saw a gorgeous pintail duck its elegantly long neck shining in the sun after splashing into the water, (not a wader though) so to continue Med Gulls with  their lovely red legs and bills,(not a wader), but there you go nice to have a wader break! we saw Red Knot Red Shank, Godwit, We carried on along the path and turned back in towards the visitor centre, the next leg of our walk passed by some lovely Yellow wagtails, a variation which we saw there was a Blue headed wagtail,we later heard a lovely Nightingale so stopped for a brief moment to listen as it was so kind enough as to sing for us!The next exciting event was a lovely view of a Bittern swooping accross the reed bed from the aptly named Bittern hide, we waited a while to see if it re appeared but decidied to carry on our way, luckily stopping on the stairs and glancing across the reeds, it briefly appeared again, lucky another perfec day!!

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