Sunday, 7 April 2013

Raptors on the move and Corton paths

Crikey past couple of days have been a right hot bed of Raptor action, probably due to the weather breaking and the wind dropping, lots of news from the Winterton birders of Red Kites, Buzzards and a White Tailed Eagle passing over their their patch,needless to say I didnt see any of this, but, I did see the Long Eared Owl at Bure Park, lovely views of it hunkered  down in a copse on the island in the middle of the lake fast asleep.also the Garganey were still there.
Today was a weird day, hunting paths on an old map that was probably years out of date, and the so called paths had long gone due to erosion, we were left after quite a pleasant walk along a hedgerow bordered path with having to negotiate Hopton holiday village, then finding Beach road and walking down there even though the signs said no pedestrian access, bit stupid of us, but not as stupid as the people who parked their car on the side of this road to walk to the beach where a huge truck with wheels taller than me was driving up and down carrying enormous boulders.
Back to the out of date map and a bit of a favourite of mine old disused railways, and we found Corton old railway path, very nice and secluded a good birding spot, apparently , and nearby Corton Sewage Works another good birding spot, so not all bad then!Paths around the works were bordered by shrubs and small trees of all sorts and there were Knapweed plants everywhere so in the summer it must be a Bee and Butterfly haven, there is also a nice little wood bordered by a small stream with tiny fish in.We also saw a family out for a walk but their birdy companion was a Harris Hawk,a handsome boy.they tried to get him to show off a bit for us but he was a bit tired and waddled along the floor skipping and hopping with his bells jangling.


  1. Pleased to see your photos up and running now - lots of lovely pics. Pleased to hear that you eventually ended up somewhere nice today!

  2. Hi Peter I have joined your friends blog Lowestoft birding,also I looked on google and I appear to be still there as littlemissladybirder, not sure what to do about that any ideas??
