All set for a nice Easter Monday day out, the destination was to be a surprise for me. The day started out very cold and murky, but we were promised sunshine at some point during the day, but alas this wasnt to be until the afternoon, bit of a shame considering where we went.We went to Thetford, we parked by the river close to the centre of Thetford, we walked along the spring walk, and the bridges walk by the sluice at the coffee Mill.We were supposedly looking for the Black Bellied Dipper.We didnt see one, but all this was a sham, because, having worked and volunteered on the Broads for about 6 years now, I have never seen an Otter, and every time somebody says to me , oh yes i ve seen loads they are at Barton, Filby Board walk, Acle Bridge, blah blah blah I just want to tell them to go away!!!in no uncertain terms!!Getting very cold and bored I was eventually told of the real reason we were wandering up and down the river, there were loads of people there with their zoom lenses and binoculars, was there any Otters, not flippin likely, so the Otter jinx has struck again, me!!!So I had to make do with a quick look just now at the famous Thetford Otters on You Tube!
After a quick lunch we set off again, this time the sun was out, blue sky a lovely day, we went to Lynford Arboretum, never been there before, it was very lovely, being a Tree Hugger, I was in my element,!!very peaceful, Hawfinches are apparently seen here a lot.There is a lovely nature walk and beautiful lakes.
A post script to this little rant, Sunday got some hot bird news, a pair of Garganey at Bure Park Caister Road, thought I hadnt a hope in seeing them as have tried before and no luck, but this time yey, great views, very lovely!!
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